Shoebox 2020

During the winter holidays we would organize a Christmas fare in the Citadel Main Square, and a carols concert. In 2020 we published the carols on Youtube (Colindiţa, Domn Domn, Pe cărarea şerpuită, După datini colindăm) and we organized our second Shoebox charity event, where people could bring presents for kids and young people that come from disadvantaged families. The initiative was organized in partnership with Interact Club Sighişoara, Veritas Sighişoara and supported by RadioSon Sighişoara and it was a success: our beautiful and generous community came together and we gathered over 400 presents! To make sure we empower Santa Claus to reach as many families as possible, we also collaborated with Lions Club Sighişoara, Asociaţia Perspective Daneş and Centrul de Voluntariat Saschiz. It was truly a heartwarming thing to see that although we could not gather as in the previous years, the spirit of giving, solidarity and love still united people. One of presents had a tag that read "Christmas is forever, not just for today - it is love, it is the wish to live together, to give, and all of these need to be experienced by all people." <3