Proiect KA3 - Voices of the Next Generation

2024 – 2025

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The project “Voices of the Next Generation: Future Decision-Makers on European Values and Citizenship” is a youth-led project which aims to reinforce the cooperation between youth organizations in order to stimulate/boost active citizenship and participation in democratic processes by supporting youngsters' development and empowering them to become active members of the European Community.

During 5 Youth Exchanges and Final Conference in 2024 – 2025 on topics of sustainable Europe, media literacy, simulation of election to European Parliament, advocacy, solidarity and volunteering participants will have an opportunity to meet with different stakeholders and present them their solutions, but also to network and create new initiatives. The project deliverable will be series of 6 short-movies which will be recorded during the activities of this project and showing the vision of young people on actual issues of our societies and European values in general. The movie series also intends to engage young people in solution seeking and popularize their participation in politics and decision-making processes.

What are our goals and objectives?

1. To bring together young people from different regions of Europe for a series of youth exchanges, allowing them to network and collaborate on projects focused on active citizenship and democratic participation.
2. To create a series of short movies (1 movie per activity) promoting values of the EU, views of young people on the future of the EU and solutions to the current issues and challenges of Europe.
3. To promote the values of the EU and to engage young people in a discussion about the future of the EU.
4. To promote the participation of under-represented groups of young people, such as those from vulnerable or socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, by providing them with opportunities to engage with politics and civil society and to become active members of the European Community.
5. To encourage young people to join civic society initiatives or organization working in the field of active citizenship.
6. To organize a large conference bringing together young people, youth organizations, and other stakeholders to share experiences and knowledge, present the movies of this project and to discuss best practices for promoting active citizenship and democratic participation among young people in Europe.
7. To organize Youth Exchange with the aim to simulate the EP election process with subsequent visit of Parliament in Brussels, as a lead-up to the 2024 elections to the European Parliament, with the aim of encouraging young people to participate in the democratic process and to raise awareness of the importance of their participation in shaping the future of Europe.


Cesta rozvoje – Czech Republic

Noored Uhiskonna Heaks – Estonia

Associazione Eufemia – Italy

Ilêwasi – Spain

European Youth Press – Germany

Asociatia AUM – Romania