In February of this year we started Career Peer, a video series that approaches career orientation from a peer to peer perspective, which was designed to provide additional and relevant information for the Sighişoara's highschool students. Students from different faculties from Romania or outside the country are talking about how they chose their field of study and answering questions related to subjects, housing, exams, and prefessional options. Episodes are published exclusively on our private Facebook Group "ELEV în Sighişoara" every Friday.
This initiative was developed by Denisa Feldiorean, our public relations coordinator together with a team of 5 highschool students who are also AUM local volunteers. Join our group in the link below, we also use the group as a channel to provide students with complementary non-formal education and many more opportunities. If you are from the Sighişoara area, you are currently a student and you want to contribute to our series feel free to contact us on social media or at
Link to group: